Thursday, January 25, 2018

"Rose of Anzio, Book Two: Jalousie"
by Alexa Kang

This was the second book in the Rose of Anzio series, and I found it just as entertaining as the first book. Anthony and Tessa have admitted their feelings for each other and he has received his Draft notice in the mail. They had roughly two weeks together before he needed to report to the Draft board for his physical and was sent to the Army training camp.

Tessa, still in training as a cadet nurse, decides to transfer to an intensive training program that will send her to be a military nurse attached to a military company overseas once she completes her training. She sees it as an opportunity to possibly be reunited with Anthony and to be there with him during the war. She keeps the fact that she has transferred to this program from both her family and Anthony as she doesn’t want anyone to try and talk her out of it.

It is a risky idea, as there is no guarantee she will wind up sent to the same Company that Anthony has been assigned to, yet she feels that even if she is sent elsewhere that she will still be closer to him than if she remains safely Stateside. She also believes that asking for forgiveness from their families after she arrives overseas will be easier and less worrisome than telling them her plans beforehand.

I enjoyed this book just as much as I did the first one in the series. The author has told a fantastic story that drew me in and held my attention as much as the last book did. The only shortcomings in this book were a few small typos here & there. I am definitely looking forward to when I have the chance to read the third book. I strongly recommend reading this one, especially if you enjoyed the first book in this historical fiction series as much as I did.

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