Monday, April 23, 2018

"Dancing with Myself" by Billy Idol

This was a long book with a lot of detail on the life of musician Billy Idol. He has always had music in his life, though his father was initially against Billy’s decision to pursue a career as a singer. As someone who enjoyed his music when I was in my teens, I for one am glad that he followed his dream and pursued his passion.

A lot of his career followed the theme of Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll that was often true of many singers and bands in those days. This theme seemed to control most of his life, to the point where at times it was a wonder that he was capable of much of anything and truly a wonder that he didn’t manage to accidently kill himself from an overdose. This book did not shy away from the darker aspects of his life. It discussed everything, both the good and the bad, in honest detail from the perspective of the man who lived through it all.

I think the part of the book that I enjoyed the most, was at the end. It included a number of pictures from throughout his life, as well as pictures of his parents before they were married. I did enjoy reading this book. His life was not always easy, but it was definitely interesting.

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