Monday, August 12, 2019

"Journey to Where" by Steven Paul Leiva

A group of scientists have a rare opportunity to use a supercollider to test out a theory they have been working on. Unfortunately for them, something goes horribly wrong with their experiment when a jealous former colleague secretly changes one number in an equation, attempting to cause their experiment to fail. What happens instead is something quite different than expected, and they all find themselves waking up in a world full of dinosaurs.

What happens when these scientists find themselves somewhere that humans had never evolved? Instead, the dinosaurs had risen to prominence and were now the dominant intelligent species on the planet. Can they manage to find a way to survive in this new world? And will they ever be able to find a way back to their old existence?

This was definitely a fun book to read. The author has created a very interesting and unique world full of intelligent dinosaurs and where humans as we know them have never existed. Seeing how the trapped humans learn to overcome many of the problems that stem from the language barriers gave a unique perspective on what happens when our lives are suddenly, drastically, and completely altered from what we had previously known.

I enjoyed seeing how the characters dealt with the problems and challenges of finding themselves suddenly in a world full of intelligent dinosaurs who spoke a different language from themselves. It was fascinating to see them trying to prove their intelligence to a species that shared no common history or language.

Overall I found it to be a very well written and compelling story that I believe others will enjoy as well. I know that I really enjoyed reading it. Recommended.

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