Monday, February 24, 2020

“Pregnant Mail Order Bride
and her Brave Sheriff”
by Florence Linnington

After Kateri’s abusive husband died, everything they had owned was claimed by others in order to pay off his gambling debts. Kateri had pretty much given up all hope for the future when the letter from the Sheriff of Evergreen arrived. He had seen her ad in a mail order bride catalogue and written her. She took the little she had & left the next morning on the long train ride to meet him. But even that trip turned out to be more difficult than she had hoped. Her native american heritage often made her a target for abuse, and this trip was no exception.

Christopher, the Sheriff of Evergreen, a unique town where both native american and white settlers lived in harmony, working together to make everyone’s lives better, was glad that Kateri had answered his letter and traveled out to join him. He had been heartbroken and lonely for too long before he met her. His attraction to her was pretty much immediate, but will they be able to get beyond each of their own insecurities and other issues? And when a number of other large problems spring up, will it all be too much for the two of them to be able to find their way together or will it cause them to go their separate ways?

This was another entertaining and interesting tale by Ms. Linnington. She is an excellent storyteller and I have enjoyed each of her books a great deal and this one is no exception. She has a wonderful way with showing how her characters deal with their pasts (or sometimes try not to deal with them), and how they find a way to move beyond those problems and find a new future, despite whatever issues they started out with.

Her tales are hopeful stories about how people can overcome the problems of their pasts and build new and better futures. One of the things I enjoy about her tales is that while I know they will most likely have a happy ending, the journey in getting there is often difficult without being unreasonable in either the problems or the solutions they find. While I can predict that the story will have a happy ending, it is the getting to that happy ending that I always enjoy reading.

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The Blind Mail Order Bride <br>by Florence Linnington

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