Monday, April 12, 2021

"The Fall of the Fairy Queen"
by Gemma Perfect

Elsie and the others have won their rebellion against the forces of her cruel step parents. They are no longer a threat and as the only living heir, she will be the queen. But it appears that the question now seems to be will she actually get to be the queen and ruler or will Hardy continue to win the hearts of the people and find a way to have them declare him their king instead. Elsie knows he has killed before, so the question in her mind is more about how long before he no longer needs her around and finds a way to have her killed without implicating himself in her murder.

This book begins exactly where the first book ends. And not needing the setup or explanations that are necessary in any first book of a series, the pacing of this story was much quicker, and there was much more action happening overall.

I definitely enjoyed this book. The story kept me hooked all the way to the end, and was difficult to put down at night. I believe that it will appeal to anyone who enjoys stories with a bit more emotional conflict than there was in the first book. Though like book 1, it will likely also appeal to those who enjoy reading tales involving fairies.  I am looking forward to seeing what happens in book 3.

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