Monday, June 7, 2021

"The Triumph of the Fairy Queen"
by Gemma Perfect

Elsie has again been captured and kidnapped by Hardy, the man who had sought to find a way to take her rightful place as the kingdom's ruler. Unfortunately, things hadn't gone as he’d planned, and now his intent remains unclear, as killing her will clearly not win him the crown. So what exactly is he planning on doing with her?

This was the third and final book in the Fairy Queen Trilogy, and in my opinion, the best of the three books. With all that Elsie had to face and overcome, I found myself in tears at several points. I also couldn't put this book down. It was a quick read, but a very good one. (There is a lot that I would like to say, but I’m afraid that it would spoil too much of the story for anyone who has not yet read it, and they deserve the chance to experience for themselves all the emotional ups and downs provided within this tale.)

This book and series is a great suggestion for anyone who enjoys young adult fantasy novels, with this one in particular for anyone who enjoys having their heartstrings tugged while reading.

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