Monday, March 20, 2023

"Charms and Firearms" by Trixie Silvertale

After hosting a fundraising auction in her bookstore to raise money for the animal hospital, Mitzi is invited on a ski trip with the handsome Rory Bombay. On that trip, while learning to ski, Mitzi winds up falling onto a dead body.  And once again, she finds herself in the middle of trying to solve another murder mystery.

I enjoyed reading this one. I am still working on reading these earlier books in the Mitzi Moon series as I wound up reading the series out of order. If you can, I would recommend trying to read this series in order. If you don't, some of the later books might make you feel like you missed a few things. But even if you wind up missing a few books along the way, this is still an entertaining story with fun characters. 

I have been enjoying this series and plan on reading my way through the rest of the books that I appear to have previously skipped. If you like cozy mysteries with a paranormal twist then I believe you will enjoy this book.

This book is also available through other retailers. Simply click on the following link to see where.

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