Monday, March 13, 2023

"The Mussorgsky Riddle" by Darin Kennedy

Mira Tejedor is a psychic who often uses her talents consulting for those who need her help. Sometimes it is to locate a missing person, but this time it is to help a young boy who has withdrawn so far within himself that he is almost comatose. But what happened to send him into such a state? Mira has been hired to try and reach the boy, hopefully helping to bring him back to himself and his family.

This was the first book in the Fugue and Fable series. And I enjoyed reading it a great deal. The author did a wonderful job of describing the internal world that Anthony had created in order to protect himself, and watching the tale unfold as it was accompanied by pieces of classical music was a very imaginative way to tie the whole story together. The ending of this book almost came as a complete surprise to me, having not noticed some of the clues hidden throughout the story. (And that made the whole thing that much more enjoyable for me, as often I find that I've spotted a big clue to the ending of a book well before the book ended. But this one I almost didn't see coming at all.)

If you enjoy mysteries with a hint of the fantastical, stories where music and art play a large role, or are just looking for something a little different, give this book a try. I think you'll be enjoying it as much as I did. And I'll be keeping my eyes open for book two in this series. I really want to know what adventure is next in store for Mira.

This book is also available at other retailers. Simply click on the following link to view where:

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