Monday, July 24, 2023

"Rodeo Clowns and Shakedowns" by Trixie Silvertale.

Once again, we return to Pin Cherry Harbor where Mitzy Moon and her husband Erick Harper live and run a Private Investigation business. Who is their newest client? None other than Erick's ex-wife. She and her family are in town to compete in the rodeo when one of the rodeo clowns winds up killed and her husband is blamed for the crime.

I received an Advance Review Copy of this book, and as always, I enjoyed reading it. In this book, we get to see the former Sheriff arrested, as well as both Erick and Mitzi going undercover to try and solve the murder before Sheriff Paulson declares the caseclosed and an innocent man goes to jail.

As always, all our favorite characters in this series make an appearance and leave us very entertained by their antics. If you enjoy cozy mysteries, have read any of Ms. Silvertale's other books, whether or not from the Mitzi Moon or Harper/Moon series, then I can pretty much guarantee that you'll enjoy this one too.  This series has heart and is likely to make you laugh and smile. Give it a try. I don't think you'll regret it.

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