Friday, October 27, 2023

"Fly: Goose Girl Retold" by Demzela Carleton

I’ve always enjoyed fairytale retellings. And though I had not previously read the original version of this story, listening to the audiobook was definitely just as enjoyable as the other retellings that I have read. In this story, two princesses are traveling to a neighboring empire, where one is destined to marry a prince and the other has been sent to be her lady in waiting. 

But due to an accident and an injury, there soon follows a case of mistaken identity, through which the wrong princess is wed to the emperor's youngest son, and her sister is assumed to be a lowly serving girl.

This was a well thought out story that held my interest and contained a number of interesting twists along the way. Those who may be familiar with the original tale, as well as those (like me) who are new to it will likely enjoy listening.

The narrator did a wonderful job of keeping each of the character's voices distinct from each other, making it wonderfully easy for the listener to tell who was supposed to be speaking without any confusion.

This book may also be found at:

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