Monday, January 22, 2024

“Bardo” by Emily Gallo

Bardo (Amazon link)

After Luthor is once again suspected of a murder he didn't commit, it seems the wisest move for him is to leave the area. He had previously spent 20 years in prison before being exonerated, and while there is no evidence pointing to him, the body was found nearby and he is a black man living in a predominantly white, rural area. The cop who came to their property seems determined to pin the crime on him. And so, for now at least, Luther flees from the farm he had been living and working on in California and winds up in New York to stay with an old, Irish author And here, it seems that his life finally and truly begins.

This was an Interesting story about two men who seemingly could not be more different from each other. Finn helps Luthor to explore life and live it to the fullest. They travel across the country by car from New York to California, experiencing new places, new foods, and discovering different ways of life, allowing Luthor to finally discover who he is, and who he wants to be.

I received a review copy of this book, and at first, I was confused by the addition of the cat Bardo to their journey. But when you discover the meaning behind the cat’s name and how that applies to the rest of the tale, it all becomes clear. But I’ll let you discover that part for yourself, as part of your journey with this book.

If you enjoy contemporary stories about people from different walks of life discovering themselves and others, and of course a variety of foods (for the various foods in this book are just as much a part of this journey), then I think you will most likely enjoy this book.

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