Monday, January 1, 2024

“The Dead of Sled Run” by Jean Rabe

When Piper Blackwell’s Chief Deputy, Oren, is awakened by a fire at his house, he barely manages to find and save all of his cats, but as he locates the third cat, she falls unconscious, and Oren nearly falls with her. He would have likely lost his life had another deputy, Basil, not arrived to help them out alive. But with first & second degree burns from the fire, Oren will be hospitalized for a very long time. And his home has been completely destroyed, along with his neighbor’s house.

It becomes clear that it was arson. Unfortunately even though the neighbors are in Florida for the winter, someone who shouldn’t have been there had been in the house when it collapsed. And those were only the first two mysteries that need to be solved in this book, with more to be revealed along the way.

This was a very intricate tale with quite a few twists and turns along the way. Ms. Rabe has woven a masterpiece with this tale. Every time I thought I had it all figured out, another of the clues needed to solve this mystery was discovered that seemed to upend what I had thought was happening, convincing me that I still didn’t actually have the mystery solved. And just when I was convinced that it couldn’t be answered in this one book, she manages to tie it all together to reveal the truth of what was going on. And wow, was it bigger than I had expected.

This was an amazing story by a true master of murder mysteries. If you enjoy a great story that will keep you guessing every step of the way, then this book is a must read for you. And if you've read any of the other books in this series, then you really don’t want to miss this one. It’s a book you won’t be able to put down. (I certainly couldn’t!)

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