Monday, February 19, 2024

White Moon by Chelsea Burton Dunn

In the previous book in this series, we learned that Vee was adopted. In this book, everyone (the Watcher Elders, the Sha who the Weres report to, and of course, Vee herself) seems almost desperate to know what she truly is. She now knows the name of her mother, but not why she was given to the human couple who raised her or what happened to either of her birth parents. These are still mysteries that will soon need to be solved. But of a more immediate urgency, there is currently a Vampire who appears to be hunting her, though why he is hunting Vee is unknown. And taking care care of that problem without starting a Were-Vampire war must obviously be the pack’s priority.

I received a review copy of this book and enjoyed it easily as much as I did the previous book in the series. Vee and those she surrounds herself with are fascinating characters that have me wanting to read more about. The author has done a fantastic job of creating characters that I want to know more about. Their stories draw the reader in, while letting you try to guess at what is happening or about to happen, and I won't lie… this book had me tearing up a few times as I read.

If you have read the previous book in this series, or any other books by this author, then I believe you will not want to miss reading this one. It's a book that will suck you in and keep you reading until finished. It’s well worth giving this series a try.

Recommended for those who enjoy stories of the paranormal involving Vampires, Were-creatures, and Watchers. (Amazon Book Link) (link to the book on the publisher's page) (Books2Read link with other vendors)

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