Monday, December 30, 2024

The Undoing
by A.M. Davila

Shortly before Christmas, the power suddenly goes out, almost all cars stop working, and unlike what might be normal for a power outage, even fully charged electronic devices stop working.  Clearly something more is going on, and as people come to realize that things will not be returning to normal, an expected chaos soon follows.

I read a review copy of this book. I found it to be a very interesting juxtaposition of different characters and their reactions as each begins to realize what is happening. There may not be any explanation or reason given for the extreme power outage taking place, but for this book, I don’t miss the fact that it is not explained. I don’t feel it truly needs one at this point because the story is more about the characters and how they react and deal with the emergency than it is about what caused it. At least so far that appears to be the case. I enjoyed seeing the characters develop and each of their unique personalities shine through in this story. Each has their own personal demons to deal with, but watching them come together and cope with this unknown disaster was heartwarming.

This is the first book in a young adult post-apocalyptic / dystopian series, and it is one that I have enjoyed reading. I will be watching for the next book in this series to be released and am looking forward to seeing what happens next. I think that anyone who enjoys reading young adult stories dealing with what may be a society-ending disaster will enjoy this book, especially if they enjoy character-driven tales that show a great deal of heart and resilience. I know that I enjoyed reading it.

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